

M.P. is endowed with varying climatic conditions, soils and diverse cropping pattern. Its land area has therefore been divided into 11 agro-climatic zones. Significant progress and development in agriculture have taken place in M.P. in the last couple of decades. Food grain production has more then doubled. In food grain production it is only next to U.P. and Punjab. It contributes 7.7% of total food grain production in India. M.P. by contributing 24 and 25% of total pulse and oil seeds production in India occupies first position in the country.

  Schemes / Policies

  1. Aisopam Plan
  2. Intensive Cotton Development Plan
  3. Intensive cane development plan
  4. Integrated Cereals Development Programme (and including coarse grain rice)
  5. Annpuarna Plan
  6. Balanced and integrated use of fertilizers and integrated nutrient management program (I. n. M.)
  7. Balram rhythm scheme
  8. Soil water promotion scheme
  9. National Bayoges Plan
  10. National Agricultural Insurance Scheme under the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme for Rabi 2010-11 Notification
  11. River Valley / River flood-oriented plan
  12. Tubewell mining plan
  13. National Watershed Development Programme
  14. Surjdhara Plan
  15. Participation of women in Madhya Pradesh Agriculture (Mapwa) Planning: Guidelines, Self Help Group – Guidelines
  16. Soul Plan: Revised Dishanirdesh, Farm School – Revised Dishanirdesh
  17. Bullock cart plan
  18. Seed Village Scheme
  19. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes training plan
  20. National Food Security Mission
  21. National Agricultural Development Scheme